maandag, januari 17, 2005

When the curious girl realizes she is under glass

Uit de Concertagenda kon al worden vastgesteld dat er een dilemma zou komen; Low in de AB of Bright Eyes in de Botanique (21/2/2005). Wel, er zijn altijd oplossingen...
Bright Eyes staan op de affiche in "Tivoli", Utrecht (NL) op 23/2/2005.

Uit "Fevers and Mirrors" alvast dit "When the curious girl realizes she is under glass", voorzien van een "the Piano-achtige" piano en de rauwe stem van Conor Oberst. Bewezen om heel goed het weekend mee door te komen.

Tomorrow when I wake up
I’m finding my brother
And I'm making him take me back down to the water
That lake where we sailed, and we laughed with our father
I will not desert him
I will not desert him
No matter how I may wish for a coffin so clean
Or these trees to undress all their leaves onto me
I put my face in the dirt and then finally I'll see
The sky that has been avoiding me.
Well I started this letter
I’m going to send it to Ruba
It'll be blessed by her eyes on the Gulf Coast of Florida
With her feet in the sand,
And one hand on her swimsuit,
She'll recite the prayer of my pen
Saying, "Time take us forward.
Relief from this longing.
They can land that plane on my heart;
I don’t care.
Just give me November,
The warmth of a whisper,
In the freezing darkness of my room."
But no matter what I would do in an attempt to replace
All these pills that I take, trying to balance my brain
See the curious girl with that look on her face
So surprised she stares out from her display case

4 reacties:

Blogger Luc zei...

Liever het 'busje' naar Utrecht. Kandidaten reserveer nu!

19/01/2005, 21:22  
Blogger Luc zei...

Er gaat een busje naar Utrecht. Intekenen doe je hier!

20/01/2005, 22:57  
Blogger Ann zei...

De krant geeft je gelijk!

23/01/2005, 13:21  
Blogger Luc zei...

@ Anneke: je kan nog steeds mee naar Utrecht & morgen ga ik op zoek naar de cd(s) in de winkel(s).

25/01/2005, 17:13  

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